
Welcome to my homepage. I am so glad you have found me and look forward to sharing my journey as a new author with you. This website is currently dedicated to my debut book, Convergence, the first story of a saga entitled The Crystal Chronicles.

Only Available Here!!!

Available now, in honor of one year since Convergence was published, the first three chapters are available right here for free!

Follow this link: https://editor.reedsy.com/s/ceVQ55s/c/Ysmoy7Vdh8mwQUAs/chapter-1

If you like what you see, get your copy of the full book today.

The Crystal Chronicles: Convergence is now available on Amazon Kindle, as well as in Hardback and Paperback format.

Ebooks are available for a new, low price of $1.99 on Amazon Kindle and Nook by Barnes & Noble.

Signed and personalized copies (both hardbacks and paperbacks) are available on my new Etsy shop…

MACarrBooks on Etsy


Cover Art for Book 1

The Crystal Chronicles, Book 1: Convergence

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